How do online retailers get the goods they sell? One of the largest international e-commerce corporations orders shoe polish, brushes and insoles from a popular Polish manufacturer – and Militzer & Münch was contracted to get the products across the Atlantic.

Three years ago, the Militzer & Münch Poland team was given the first chance to work for a big international online retailer via an American agent. “The agent asked us to deliver various shoe care products from a Polish manufacturer to the USA”, says Barbara Zablocka, Key Account Manager, Militzer & Münch Poland. “The time frame was tight, so we agreed to ship the pallets via airfreight to Indianapolis airport; they were then trucked to the customer’s warehouses in other US states.”

Barbara Zablocka and her colleagues did such a reliable job that the agent ordered further deliveries. Soon, he asked the team for additional services, and new conditions were negotiated. In the meantime, Militzer & Münch has begun transporting the goods via sea. Which means longer transit times, but lower costs.

“Working for such a large international corporation is a special challenge, but also an opportunity” says Barbara Zablocka. “We have to meet strict regulations and tight schedules. At the same time, we are developing our abilities and the Poland-USA trade lane enormously, which is to the benefit of our other customers, too.“

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